Aptitude test (road construction)

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The aptitude test is a measure to ensure quality in road construction . With their help, evidence can be provided for building materials or building material mixtures that they are suitable for the intended use (also with regard to the building contract). Suitability tests are to be arranged by the contractor and may only be carried out by a test institute recognized by the client. Another essential feature of the suitability test is that it is carried out prior to construction. Tests that are initiated by the contractor during construction work are referred to as self-monitoring .

In road construction, suitability tests for asphalt and concrete are carried out most frequently , as these building materials must necessarily meet the required values ​​in order to achieve the highest possible durability and usability.


  • E. Straube, K. Krass: Road construction and road maintenance . Erich Schmid Verlag, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-503-09067-3 , p. 11 .