A garden on the Orontes

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Barrès - Un jardin sur l'Oronte, 1922.jpg

A garden at the Orontes ( French Un jardin sur l'Oronte ) is a work by Maurice Barrès , which was published for the first time in 1922 by Plon-Nourrit. In it Barrès wrote a story that an Irish archaeologist translated for him from a manuscript one evening in June 1914 in a café in Hama am Orontes . The love story of "a Christian and a Saraceness" takes place during the crusade in the Middle Ages. The work was first translated into German in 1927 by Madeleine Scheid-Imbert.

The publication triggered the so-called querelle de l'Oronte (the Orontes dispute). The work was adapted to an opera of the same name with a libretto by Franc-Nohain and music by Alfred Bachelet , which was premiered on November 7, 1932.

Individual evidence

  1. The London Mercury , Volume 6 1922, p. 645.
  2. Jane F. Fulcher: The Composer as Intellectual: Music and Ideology in France, 1914-1940 . Oxford University Press, 2005.
  3. Jean Cavet: D'une critique catholique ( fr ) 1927th
  4. Ida-Marie Frandon: L'Orient de Maurice Barres ( fr ) 1952nd