Impression process

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The imprinting method according to DIN SPEC 4864 is considered to be standard procedure for the determination of the R I p0,2 -Vergleichsdehngrenze and Vergleichszugfestigkeit R I m to the tensile test . Based on the plastic deformation of an impression created by a test probe and a defined load, the mechanical properties of metals are determined by calculation. As a test method, the indentation method is part of the mechanical test method used in materials testing and is an alternative to tensile testing and an extension of the classic hardness test. It significantly simplifies the previously usual way from sample preparation to carrying out the test to evaluating the results to obtain important mechanical parameters.

The plastic deformation above the sample surface is the material throw-up. This is characteristic of a metal and its mechanical properties, like humans and their fingerprint.

The indentation method is used for materials testing as an alternative to tensile tests and as an extension to hardness testing . Among other things, the following goals are achieved:

  • Non-destructive, cost-efficient, quick and local testing of components and samples
  • Possibility to test small components and samples
  • Avoidance of time-consuming sample preparation and destruction of components by producing tensile samples
  • Avoid converting hardness into tensile strength Rm for materials not mentioned in DIN EN ISO 18265

DIN SPEC 4864 applies to the correct implementation of the imprinting process . It was published by Beuth-Verlag in November 2019.

New terminology

The characteristic material build-up forms a new definition in materials testing.

" Material build-up : Increase in the sample surface, which is formed due to the displacement of the material by the force of the indenter outside the contact zone between indenter and sample"

  1. Andreas Braun, Dr. Thomas Chudoba, Dr. Michael Griepentrog, Michael Schäfer, Dr. Bernd Hachmann, Dr.-Ing Benjamin Schmaling, Peter Zok, Peter Beisel, Philipp Reinstädt, Febo Menelao: DIN SPEC 4864 - Test method for determining flow curves and comparative parameters for tensile tests using non-destructive test indentations, 3D measurements and finite element material models . Ed .: Beuth Verlag GmbH. Berlin November 2019.

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