unit price

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The unit price is the price that is charged per unit of a partial service described in a specification of services. The building contract , in which the unit price is the basis of the remuneration, is called a unit price contract. This is the most common type of contract under building law . See also flat rate contract , cost reimbursement contract , hourly wage contract .

In the case of a unit price contract, the total remuneration results from the product of the unit price and the units of work actually carried out, which are to be determined by measuring and determining the quantity . The actually performed service units can deviate from the number provided in the contract, so that the remuneration in the final invoice can also differ from the total remuneration provided in the contract. The actually required working time and the material actually used are therefore irrelevant in a unit price contract.

In German law , the central regulation on the unit price can be found in Section 2 VOB / B ( procurement and contract regulations for construction services, part B).