A service specification (LV for short) is part of a service description and describes, in the form of partial services, an overall service to be provided in the context of an order . The service specification can already be described for the tender. Alternatively there is the service description according to the service program .
The partial services in the specification are often referred to as items. The specification of services is often supplemented by a general description of the subject matter of the contract. Specifications are the basis for orders in numerous industries. In many areas, specifications are supplemented by existing rules , standards and regulations . In some cases, standardized text modules are also used to describe the services. For example in the building and related trades and in building services .
As a rule, a list of services is hierarchically divided into group levels (e.g. lot , trade , section, title), in which the various partial services are then listed under ordinal numbers.
The advantages of the specification of services are generally the clear and complete presentation of the entire contract target, also as a basis for obtaining several comparable offers in competition and the subsequent creation of a price comparison . Various partial services, also called positions, are distinguished within a service specification:
- Service item or execution item: Item that describes a service to be performed.
- Home position : reference position to which alternative or additional positions refer.
- Alternative position or optional position: Position that the client can also offer and that he can choose to carry out - usually before signing the contract - instead of the associated basic position.
- Bonus item : Item that supplements the performance of a basic position.
- Contingent position or requirement position : Service that experience has shown to be necessary, but the necessity of which cannot be determined at the time of the tender. The public procurement regulations exclude requirement items. If unavoidable, they are to be marked as such and their total value should remain below 10% of the contract price.
- Leadership position : service that is described in more detail in the following positions.
A specification of services is structured in tabular form and consists of the following parts:
- Position number
- Quantity
- Unit of measure
- Text that usually consists of a long text and a short text . The short text is used again in the invoice, for example.
- Unit Price (EP)
- Total price (GP), which results from the multiplication of the quantity and the unit price.
Nowadays, special software is used in the professional sector to create service specifications. So-called AVA systems have established themselves particularly in the construction industry , where specifications for the tendering of construction works are common. Here is AVA as acronym for the processes tendering , procurement and billing . Extensive texts to be generated dynamically are made available by the Joint Committee on Electronics in Construction . In the construction industry, service specifications are predominantly exchanged electronically. For this purpose, the GAEB provides a corresponding data exchange process for Germany and the ÖNORM a corresponding data exchange process for Austria.
Public tenders are subject to complicated procurement law , which distinguishes numerous different cases. According to this, for example, in the case of construction work according to Section 7 (1) No. 1 VOB / A, the work must be described clearly and in such a way that all applicants must understand the description in the same way and can calculate their prices reliably and without extensive preparatory work . According to Section 7, Paragraph 1, No. 1 VOB / A, if necessary, the service must also be represented graphically or by means of test pieces, or otherwise explained . According to VOB, manufacturers and product names have not been mentioned in the specification of services since 2007.
In procurement law also is awarding regulated itself.
See also
Web links
- Award and contract regulations for construction work, edition 2009, Beuth Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-410-61232-2 .
- Fritz Berner , Bernd Kochendörfer, Rainer Schach: Basics of construction management. Volume 1: Construction Management. BG Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-519-00385-4 .