Income from employment (Germany)

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In Germany, income from non-self-employed work belongs to the seven types of income named in Section 2 (1 ) of the Income Tax Act and counts as surplus income . The legal basis for income from employment is § 19 EStG. Income tax is i. d. Usually by deducting wages in the form of a withholding tax , the wage tax .


Income from non-self-employed work is the type of income with the highest income in the German tax system. The income tax revenue amounted in 2018 to 208.2 billion euros. Only the sales tax , with a revenue of 234.8 billion euros, contributed more to the state revenue. The income tax revenue thus amounts to approx. 29.2% of the total tax revenue.


Income from employment includes:

  1. Salary , wages, gratuities , royalties and other remuneration and benefits for employment in public or private service;
  2. Waiting allowances, retirement benefits, widows 'and orphans' benefits and other earnings and benefits from previous services

It does not matter whether it is ongoing or one-off payments and whether there is a legal claim to it.

Income from active employment or service

When determining the income, a flat-rate fee for income- related expenses ( Section 9a EStG) of 1,000 euros is taken into account ex officio . Anyone who wants to claim higher expenses must provide evidence of all expenses.

Jahresbruttolohn (Einnahmen)             40.000 Euro
- Werbungskostenpauschale                 1.000 Euro
= Einkünfte aus nichtselbst. Arbeit      39.000 Euro

Income from previous employment or service

When calculating the income, a flat-rate fee of 102 euros for income- related expenses ( Section 9a EStG) is taken into account. If there is evidence of higher expenses, these can be deducted. If the income from employment includes pension payments ( Section 19 (1) No. 2), a pension allowance and a supplement to the pension allowance (both Article 19 (2)) remain tax-free.

Versorgungsbezüge (Einnahmen)            40.000 Euro
- Werbungskostenpauschale                   102 Euro
- Versorgungsfreibetrag, xx % höchstens   3.000 Euro (abhängig vom Jahr des Versorgungsbeginns)
- Zuschlag zum Versorgungsfreibetrag        900 Euro (abhängig vom Jahr des Versorgungsbeginns)
= Einkünfte aus nichtselbst. Arbeit      35.998 Euro

Individual evidence

  1. DESTATIS : Tax Income 2018