Ekaki Uta

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Ekaki Uta ( Japanese 絵 描 き 歌 'Mallied' ) refers to a playful form of song in Japan that is accompanied by drawing. It is a combination of a painting game (for children) and spoken chants that can be used for mnemonic purposes. For this purpose, while a chant is being recited, a line drawing is drawn at the same time, often using Kana characters .

One of the most famous Ekaki Uta is the " Henohenomoheji " ( へ の へ の も へ じ ), which can be compared with the German moon face ( point, point, comma, line, the moon face is ready ). In the Japanese version, the two kana he ( ) and no ( ) are drawn twice as an eye with an eyebrow and supplemented by the kana mo ( ) as a nose and another he as a mouth. A shi ( ) with Dakuten serves as the contour for the face .

Since the chanting does not necessarily result in the painting style, Ekaki Uta are also used as quiz questions in entertainment programs.


  • Tomoko Inoue: 図 画 工作 科 と 音 楽 科 の 合 科 的 な 指導 に 関 す る 研究 (A Study of an Integrated Approach to Art Education and Music Education) . In: Art Education . tape 31 , March 20, 2010, ISSN  0917-771X , p. 67-81 ( nii.ac.jp [accessed November 20, 2014]).

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