Ekhö - mirror world

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Ekhö - Spiegelwelt ( French EKHÖ - Monde Miroir ) is a French comic series that has been published since 2013. It was written by Christophe Arleston and drawn by Alessandro Barbucci.

Location and characters

The series takes place in the mirror world Ekhö, which is modeled on the earth. There is no electricity there, instead there is magic and there are a multitude of fantastic beings. Among them are the squirrel-like preshauns who watch over the proper functioning of Ekhö. The Preshauns can bring people from our world to Ekhö, but it is not possible to return.


Ludmilla Tiller: Was on the plane to New York when she was brought to Ekhö by a Preshaun. There she had to inherit the management of an artist agency. Ludmilla can be possessed by the spirits of the deceased, but she does not know anything about it. She then has to solve the problems of the spirits in order to be free from the spirit again. When Ludmilla is obsessed, her hairstyle changes.

Juri Podrov: computer scientist and Ludmilla's seat neighbor on the plane; because Ludmilla clung to his arm when she was transferred to Ekho, he is now also stuck in the mirror world.

Sigisbert von Motafiume: A young preshaun and notary's assistant. He oversees Ludmilla and Juri so that their presence in Ekhö doesn't upset the mirror world too much.

Grace Lumumba: A local from Ekhö. She works as a secretary in the Tiller agency and works as a striptease dancer in her free time.


Ekhö - Spiegelwelt currently comprises eight volumes. These have been published in French by Soleil since 2013 and in German by Splitter since 2014 . In France, Ekhö appears in both a colored and a black and white version.

  • Volume 1: New York (translated by Tanja Krämling); 02/2014
  • Volume 2: Paris Empire (translated by Tanja Krämling); 08/2014
  • Volume 3: Hollywood Boulevard (translated by Tanja Krämling); 06/2015
  • Volume 4: Barcelona (translated by Tanja Krämling); 12/2015
  • Volume 5: The secret of the Preshauns Le secret des Preshauns (translated by Tanja Krämling); 11/2016
  • Volume 6: Deep South (translated by Tanja Krämling); 11/2017
  • Volume 7: Swinging London (translated by Tanja Krämling); 05/2018
  • Volume 8: The Mermaid of Manhattan La Sirène de Manhattan (translated by Tanja Krämling); 06/2019


The Tagesspiegel wrote about the first volume:

The story behind the initial exploration of Ekhös, which is colorful in every respect with all its peculiarities and peculiarities between the millipede underground and the exotic strip clubs, is in the end rather insignificant and shallow - but maybe Monsieur Arleston is already making this bustling one and yet quite a nice new world creation in the following a little more than just a routine bite.

Comicgate wrote about the second volume:

Even if individual elements seem familiar, everything here looks very fresh and light [...]. In Alessandro Barbucci, Arleston has found a congenial partner who can let his imagination run wild and repeatedly incorporate beautiful scenes that you don't particularly notice at first glance. Like that beautiful grin of a cat sitting in front of chicken cages. Or the graceful turning of the head when a dragon disdains its reward. [...] With all the richness of detail, rich use of color and original ideas, Arleston and Barbucci never lose sight of the story. With Ekhö, the two have once again created a milestone. Wonderful.


  1. Ekhö-Spiegelwelt at Soleil
  2. Ekhö-Spiegelwelt at Splitter-Verlag
  3. Ekhö monde miroir bedetheque.com, accessed September 29, 2019
  4. Christian Endres: Ludmilla behind the mirrors. Tagesspiegel.de, article from February 21, 2014, accessed on September 29, 2019
  5. Jons Marek Schiemann: Ekhö - Spiegelwelt 2: Paris Empire comicgate.de, article from 5. February 2015, accessed September 29, 2019

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