Electric lung

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The electrolung is a stimulation current device with which the auxiliary respiratory muscles or the phrenic nerves can be electrically stimulated. Divers also refer to electronically controlled closed loop breathing apparatus as electrolungs .


Two electrodes attached with the help of belts (between the diaphragm and the lower costal arch as well as between the costal arch and the upper hip edge) generate a slight stimulation current during inhalation during the operation of the electrolung , which supports the contraction of the diaphragm. When you exhale, the abdominal and lumbar muscles are stimulated by the electrical stimulation in the second electrode. Their contraction causes the abdominal contents to be pushed up and the diaphragm increasingly relaxed.

application areas

  • States of weakness (up to paralysis) of the diaphragm muscles.
  • while diving (see history of diving )


  • Roche Lexicon Medicine, 5th edition