Elias Jammal

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Elias Jammal (* 1954 in Beirut , Lebanon ) is a German university professor of Palestinian origin and the author of literary texts. From 1998 to 2016 he was professor for intercultural studies at Heilbronn University .


Jammal was born in Beirut in 1954 to Palestinian parents who were expelled from Palestine in 1948 and fled to Lebanon. He attended primary school for Palestinian refugee children in Beirut, after which he attended the secondary school of the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA). Because of the poverty of his parents, he left school after secondary school and completed vocational training - also for Palestinian refugee children - in radio and television technology.

Because of his good performance, he received a scholarship that enabled him to complete a two-year advanced training course as a technical teacher in Germany (1974–1976). Because of the Lebanese civil war , he was unable to return to Lebanon. He attended school and was admitted to university. From 1980 to 1985 he completed his studies in philosophy, art history and physics at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg with a Magister Artium (MA) degree.

He then worked as a program manager for development aid at the German Foundation for International Development in Mannheim. He then completed an MBA in England and founded the Institute for Development Cooperation (IEZ) in Heidelberg. In 1997 he received his doctorate (Dr. phil.) And was appointed professor in 1998. He has been teaching at Heilbronn University since 1998. His most recent publication: Jammal, E. (2014): Kultur und Interkulturalität. Interdisciplinary approaches. Springer VS: Wiesbaden.

As a writer, he appeared in 2013 with his first work, Awakening in the World (Lau Verlag). He then wrote a collection of short stories entitled Mouth Stage (Andiamo Verlag 2014).

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