Ella Gabriella

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Ella Gabri (* around 1865; † after 1939) was a stage actress .


Ella Gabri began her acting career in 1886 in Bromberg, continued it in 1887 in Breslau (Lobetheater), came to the Hoftheater Altenburg in 1888 , where she stayed for three years, worked at the Hoftheater Coburg in 1892 and 1893 , and from 1894 to 1897 at the Theater des Westens in Berlin , and joined the Association of City Theater in Wroclaw in 1898.

Gabriella was an actress of a wealthy disposition and had successfully participated in the rendering of modern plays. Tart, self-confident women found an excellent representative in her.

In the first decade of the 20th century, Ella Gabri worked on several stages in the capital, including the New Theater and the Lessing Theater . Even before the outbreak of World War I , the artist accepted a call to Dessau to appear at the Ducal Court Theater. It remained loyal to this venue for many years after the war when the stage was renamed the Friedrich Theater. It was not until 1938 that the aged actress left the ensemble and retired. Ella Gabri's trail is lost in the early days of World War II .
