Else Nusch

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Else Nusch (born May 29, 1906 in Remscheid ; † November 27, 2003 ibid) was a German rhythm teacher. She was the founder of Eutonie after Else Nusch .

life and work

Else Nusch has been interested in educational work since her youth, her main interest was the combination of music and movement for educational work. She completed a two-year training in rhythmic education at the Otto Blensdorf Institute for Rhythmic Education according to Dalcroze in Wuppertal and completed her training as a teacher for rhythmic education with an examination at the State University of Music in Berlin.

Nusch then worked privately in courses and individual lessons with children and adults with a focus on Remscheid and looked for a variety of suggestions for the further development of their movement work from everyone who dealt with bodywork and breathing therapy in the 1930s . However, these possibilities were strictly limited during the National Socialist era , so that access to more recent developments was only possible in the 1950s, in particular contacting Gerda Alexander , whom Else Nusch met during their training together and who has meanwhile emigrated to Copenhagen there had developed her own eutonic movement work. From 1956 Nusch worked in the Tannenhof Psychiatric Clinic in Remscheid-Lüttringhausen with mentally ill people.

At the end of the 1960s, the "Else Nusch School for Movement Education on the Basis of Eutonia" was developed with the aim of creating the basis for passing on work. Nusch mediated her work in summer courses at home and abroad. Regular courses took place in Riederau am Ammersee, in Königsfeld in the Black Forest, in Altenberg and in Talloires on Lac d'Annecy as part of the “Blensdorf - McJannet - School”. In the 1970s the "Else-Nusch-Freundeskreis" was founded.

Else Nusch celebrated her 50th anniversary in December 1978 and was able to celebrate her 70th anniversary in 1998 as a 92-year-old. She died in November 2003 at the age of 97 in Remscheid.

Foundation, endowment

Else Nusch brought her estate to the "Else Nusch Foundation for Eutonia" in her will with the aim of making her variant of eutonia accessible to an interested public. The foundation was established in 2004 by trustee Wolfgang Henkel. Elfriede Henkel, Liselotte Dreyer and Martha Eder are named as the foundation's technical advisory councils. After being digitized and cataloged, the audio and video documents left behind represent one of the most important foundations and sources for the continuation of Else Nusch's work.

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