Embree-Trefethen constant

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The Embree-Trefethen constant is a mathematical constant . It is a limit coefficient in number theory and is denoted by β * .

For a fixed real β consider the recursion

x n + 1 = x n ± β x n - 1

where the sign in the sum is chosen independently for each n with the same probability as '+' or '-'.

For β = 1 we get the random Fibonacci sequence .

It can be shown that for any β the limit value

almost certainly exists. In other words: The sequence behaves asymptotically exponentially with probability 1 with base σ ( β ).

It applies

σ <1 for 0 < β < β * ≈ 0.70258,

so the sequence of x n almost certainly falls asymptotically exponentially, and

σ > 1 for β > β *

so the terms of the sequence will almost certainly grow asymptotically exponentially.

Special values ​​of σ are:
