Emerging Sea

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Emergeandsee ( spelling : EMERGEANDSEE ) is a short film and media festival that takes place annually in Berlin . It is organized by students and is aimed at young, international filmmakers.

In 2010 the festival will celebrate its tenth anniversary in the "Stattbad" in Berlin Wedding: From June 18 to 20, Emergeandsee will be dealing with the topic of "Hybrid Metropolis: Between Spaces."


Emergeandsee sees itself as an audiovisual festival and platform for young filmmakers and media artists. Digital video projects can - often for the first time - be shown on the screen in a professional setting. The focus is on the creative idea. With its numerous submissions, the festival should also act as a quality filter. The international orientation aims at the dialogue between art and film schools and at the same time questions the influence and significance of today's media.

Against the background of the changed position that digital video has taken since Emergeandsee was founded, the festival itself is also constantly changing. In addition to film competitions, the Yet Another Media Conference has also been part of the festival since 2008 . A theme competition followed in 2009 with topics that change every year. In 2010, a multimedia exhibition was the next step away from a pure film festival and towards a more complex program.

Emergeandsee has been organized by students since it was founded in 2000, and a large part of the team, which changes every year, comes from the "European Media Studies" course at the University of Potsdam and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam .


Emergeandsee consists of a short film competition, a conference and an audiovisual exhibition. All sub-areas are advertised worldwide. Since 2010, all three areas have had a common theme.

Film competitions

Every year 30 to 50 films are selected for the competitions that compete for The Eye Prize . This is awarded by a jury that is reassembled every year and consists of established filmmakers and media artists.

In the past, there were two competitions: the main competition included current works from film and design schools, the themed competition had an annually changing theme and also included longer and non-student films. The theme for 2009 was East-West . From 2010 there will only be one thematic competition that deals with topics that change every year. In 2010, works on Hybrid Metropolis - Cultural Intermediate Spaces of Europe will be shown.


The conference (previously: Yet Another Media Conference ) reflects current media and social processes in conjunction with films and exhibitions. With panels and discussions, it is aimed primarily at theorists and artists.


The exhibition, which will take place for the first time in 2010, shows media art that is less on the big screen but belongs to the complex of audiovisuality. Installations and experiments are mainly about experience.


Emergeandsee was founded in 2000 by students from Camberwell College of Arts in London . The background to this was the digital technology, which was still quite new at the time, which also enabled students to film relatively independently. This work should be given a place on the big screen.

The festival then came to Berlin via a student on the European Media Studies course, where it is still hosted by students today. In the meantime, Emergeandsee also took place in Budapest.

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