Emna Chargui

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Emna Chargui ( Arabic آمنة الشرقي, DMG Āmina aš-Šarqī ) is an atheist , religion-critical blogger from Tunisia . In her texts she deals with freedom and women's interests in her country. She became known in July 2020 when a court sentenced her to six months' imprisonment and a fine of around 620 euros for allegedly “inciting hatred between religions”.

Facebook posting

On May 2, 2020, Chargui shared a satirical post on her Facebook page , also known as "Coronasure", which was first published in France by an Algerian. The use of Arabic script and decorations made the posting similar to a Koranic verse ( sura ). The content was common advice in the COVID-19 pandemic such as "wash your hands", "stay at home" or " keep your distance".


After posting, Chargui received numerous hateful comments and threats. Religious “guardians of virtue”, including from other Islamic countries, sent her hundreds of death threats and threats of sexual violence. On the advice of her lawyer, she swiftly removed the mail, but continued to abuse and threaten her. The public prosecutor's office opened an investigation and Chargui was convicted by a court in Tunis. 50 Tunisian organizations for human rights declared their solidarity with Emna Chargui, more than a thousand Tunisians shared the "Coronasure" after the verdict on their Facebook pages with the slogan #FreeEmnaChargui. Emna Chargui has appealed the judgment and has not been detained. Because of the numerous threats, she rarely leaves the house and regularly changes accommodation with her mother and sister. She is not granted protection by the police.

Individual evidence

  1. Ryan Fahey: Tunisian woman is handed jail sentence for linking Quran to Covid-19. In: Daily Mail. July 14, 2020, accessed on July 25, 2020 .
  2. ^ Jail for blasphemy. In: Jungle World. Retrieved July 24, 2020 .
  3. Tunisian Woman Sentenced to Prison Over Joke Alluding to the Quran. In: New York Times. Retrieved July 24, 2020 .
  4. Tunisia: Blogger Emna Chargui sentenced to six months in prison for social media post. In: Amnesty International. Retrieved July 24, 2020 .
  5. Blogger in Tunisia: convicted of satire. In: taz. Retrieved July 24, 2020 .