Encyclopédie méthodique

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The Encyclopédie méthodique par ordre des matières is a systematically structured encyclopedia in 206 volumes, published between 1782 and 1832 by the publisher Charles-Joseph Panckoucke and Thérèse-Charlotte Agasse (1775–1838), a daughter of Henri Agasse (1752–1813), was issued.

The Encyclopédie Méthodique ( Encyclopédie Méthodique, Ou Par Ordre De Matieres: Par Une Société De Gens De Lettres, De Savants Et D'Artistes; Précédée d'un Vocabulaire universel, servant de Table pour tout l'Ouvrage, ornée des Portraits de MM. Diderot et D'Alembert, premiers Éditeurs de l'Encyclopédie ) is a revision, expansion and division of the Encyclopédie Diderots and d'Alemberts into various specialist lexicons.

Panckoucke divided the material for this into 50 subject areas. Between 1781 (other sources: 1782 or 1793) and 1832 at least 206 volumes were published, initially by the Paris publishing house Agasse , then Panckoucke abandoned the project.


According to the table of the individual dictionaries from 1791:

  1. Natural history (9 volumes)
  2. Medicine (8 volumes)
  3. Law (8 volumes)
  4. Arts & Commerce (8 volumes)
  5. Botany (5 volumes)
  6. Antiquity, Mythology (5 volumes)
  7. History (5 volumes)
  8. Metaphysics, morals, logic, education (4 volumes)
  9. Political Economy, Diplomacy (4 volumes)
  10. Military Sciences (4 volumes)
  11. Architecture (4 volumes)
  12. National Assembly (4 volumes)
  13. Mathematics (3 volumes)
  14. Chemistry, metallurgy, pharmacy (3 volumes)
  15. Agriculture (3 volumes)
  16. Ancient History & Geography (3 volumes)
  17. Modern geography (3 volumes)
  18. Theology (3 volumes)
  19. Philosophy (3 volumes)
  20. Grammar, literature (3 volumes)
  21. Finance (3 volumes)
  22. Commerce (3 volumes)
  23. Shipping (3 volumes)
  24. Manufactories (3 volumes)
  25. Physics (3 volumes)
  26. Anatomy (2 volumes)
  27. Surgery (2 volumes)
  28. Forestry (2 volumes)
  29. Internal administration, public tasks (2 volumes)
  30. Fine arts (2 volumes)
  31. Music (2 volumes)
  32. Mineralogy (2 volumes)
  33. Physical geography (2 volumes)
  34. Artillery (2 volumes)
  35. Bridges, highways (2 volumes)
  36. Hunting, Fishing (2 volumes)
  37. Encyclopedia (2 volumes)
  38. Mathematical & physical amusements (2 volumes)
  39. Academic Arts (1/2 volumes)

Volumes (selection)

  • Démeunier, Jean Nicoals: Encyclopédie méthodique. Economie politique et diplomatique. Paris: Pancoucke, Liège: Plomteux, 1784–1788. Vol. 1-4. [2], vi-760; [2], 757; [2], 787; [2]. 840 pp.
  • Volume [1], 7 Agriculture; T. 7; Dictionnaire de la culture des arbres et de l'aménagement des forêts / par Bosc et Baudrillard. 1821. - VII, 825 pp.
  • Encyclopédie méthodique. Marine. 3 text volumes and 1 table volume. Paris and Liège, Panckoucke and Plomteux 1783–87.

Expenses and reception

The Spanish Inquisition tried to prevent the translation and marketing of the French encyclopedia; Criticisms were the Protestant worldview of Panckouckes and especially the article "España".


Web links

Commons : Encyclopédie méthodique  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Encyclopédie méthodique. In: Harald Fischer Verlag. Retrieved July 11, 2016 .