Ergodic river

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Ergodic flows are a term from the theory of dynamic systems . Clearly, ergodicity of a river means that almost all points belong to a single flow line.


Let be a probability measure on a probability space and a flow that receives the measure , i.e. H. for all and all measurable quantities applies , wherein .

Then an ergodic flow is called if for every -invariant set :

or .

(A set is called -invariant if it holds for all .)

An equivalent definition says that it is ergodic if and only if the only -invariant functions are the constant functions . (A function is called -invariant if the equation holds for all for- almost all .)


are (with ) -invariant, in particular exactly one orbit must have dimension 1 and all other orbits must have dimension 0. In particular, an ergodic flow defines an ergodic action of the group of real numbers .
for almost everyone and every function .



  • A. Katok and B. Hasselblatt: Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, ISBN 0-521-34187-6 .