Maintenance effort

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As a conservation effort in are Tax expenses for the current and preventative maintenance of private and corporate assets designated.

Basically, a distinction must be made from the production costs , which is not clear. The conservation effort can in the operational area income determination as business expenses deducted, reducing profit and private assets as related expenses are asserted.


According to Section 82b EStDV , larger maintenance expenses for buildings that do not belong to business assets and are primarily used for residential purposes can be evenly distributed over two to five years.

According to Section 6, Paragraph 1, No. 1a and Section 9, Paragraph 5 of the Income Tax Act (EStG) , expenses for repair and modernization measures that were started after December 31, 2003 can be claimed within two to five years of acquisition of a building if these exceed 15% of the cost of the building.