Euler-Chebyshev trial

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The Euler-Tschebyschow method (after Leonhard Euler and Pafnuti Lwowitsch Tschebyschow ; also method of touching parabolas ) describes an iterative method in numerical mathematics for solving non-linear equations. It is comparable to Newton's method , but has the order of convergence 3.


You have a non-linear equation in zero form

a function

and a sufficiently good starting value , an approximate calculation of the zero of the terminated Taylor expansion is obtained

the following procedure in each step. The exact derivation of the method is described in Halley's method in the section on the multi-dimensional case.


  1. Choose a start value , a , and sit
    1. If or stop
    2. Solve:, (Newton step)
    3. Solve:, (quadratic correction)
    4. Set ,


In contrast to Newton's method, one obviously needs the 2nd derivative of the function. Increasing the order of convergence is therefore only worthwhile if the calculation of the 2nd derivative is easy in comparison with the calculation of the function value and the first derivative. Other methods are obtained by approximating the zero of the Taylor expansion. An example of this would be the Halley process .


As a simple one-dimensional example, the calculation of the zero point with the starting value 0 should be taken. The first derivative is the second derivative

  • Step 1
    • , ,
  • step 2
    • , ,

After the 2nd step you get the function value and can cancel.


  • Hubert Schwetlick: Numerical solution of nonlinear equations. Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1979, 346 pp.