European Journeyman's Day

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The European Journeyman's Day was a series of events launched in 1998. This was about the development of a "European culture of cooperation " between the management and the workforce of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It started with the first European journeymen's day on the subject of "Promotion of Training and Employment" in June 1998. Organizers of the first congress came from Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Austria. The event was financed with funds from the European Social Fund and the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry for Labor, Health and Social Affairs.

The West German Chamber of Handicrafts ( WHKT ) as the organizer of the congress invited journeymen and skilled workers as well as representatives of handicraft chambers and vocational training experts from all over Europe. The aim of the first congress was to improve communication between various European workers' organizations. In particular, this should strengthen cooperation between the EU member states.

The European Journeyman's Day was held for the last time in 2014. The topic of the 14th and last journeyman's day on November 22, 2014 was "Vocational training systems in comparison - practical experience".

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