European commercial agency law

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The Agency Law in Europeis in principle regulated nationally. The European legislator is striving for a partial harmonization in the area of ​​commercial agents through the Commercial Agents Directive 86/653 / EEC. This must then be implemented in national law by the national legislators, within the scope of the interpretation options. The national authority is free to further develop its own commercial agency law in addition to the mandatory introduction for goods commercial agents and to extend it to other areas. As a result, the legal situation of the national legal norms is similar, but not identical. It is therefore necessary to familiarize oneself with the individual national standards on commercial agency law, especially in the case of transnational trade in goods.


The commercial agency law in Belgium is regulated by Art. I.11.1 and Art. X. Wetboek van economischrecht (replacing the Commercial Agency Contract Act 1995).


The commercial agency law in Bulgaria is regulated by Art. 32-48 HGB (Targovski zakon, Търговски закон).


Commercial agency law in Denmark is governed by Act No. 272 ​​on Commercial Agents and Commercial Travelers of May 2, 1990 (Lov om handelsagenter og handelsrejsende).


The commercial agency law in Germany is regulated by §§ 84-92c HGB .


The commercial agency law in Estonia is regulated by Chapter 38, §§ 670–691 Law of Obligations Act (õlaõigusseadus).


The commercial agency law in Finland is regulated by Act No. 417/1992 on Commercial Agents and Employed Commercial Travelers (Laki kauppaedustajista ja myyntimiehistä) of May 8, 1992.


The commercial agency law in France is regulated by Art. L. 134-1-134-16 (Code de Commerce).


The commercial agency law in Greece is regulated by Presidential Decree No. 219/1991 of May 18, 1991; amended and supplemented by presidential ordinances 219/1991, 264/1991, 249/1993, 88/1994, 312/1995 and laws 3557/2007, 4013/2011


Commercial agency law in Ireland is governed by the European Communities (Commercial Agents) Regulations, 1994 and 1997, Statutory Instrument No. 33 of February 21, 1994.


The commercial agency law in Italy is regulated by Articles 1742–1753 of the Civil Code (Codice Civile).


Commercial agency law in Croatia is regulated by Art. 804 ff. Law on Obligations (zakon o obveznim odnosima).


Commercial agency law in Latvia is regulated by Section VI, Art. 45–63 HGB (Komerclikums).


Commercial agency law in Lithuania is regulated by Book 2, Chapter XII, Art. 2.152–2.175 of the Civil Code (Civilinis kodeksas).


Commercial agency law in Luxembourg is regulated by the Commercial Agency Act of June 3, 1994 (relations entre les agents commerciaux indépendants et leurs commettants).


Commercial agency law in Malta is governed by Part 1, Section IV, Subsection IV, Art. 70-78J Commercial Code Netherlands.


Commercial agency law in the Netherlands is regulated by Book 7, Art. 428–445 BGB (Burgerlijk Wetboek).


Commercial agency law in Austria is regulated by the Commercial Agents Act 1993 of March 1, 1993.


Commercial agency law in Poland is regulated by the agency contract in Articles 758–764 of the Civil Code (Kodeks cywilny).


Commercial agency law in Portugal is regulated by Legislative Decree No. 178/86 of July 3, 1986 (Regulamenta o contrato de agência ou representação comercial); amended by Legislative Decree No. 118/93 of April 13, 1993.


Commercial agency law in Romania is regulated by the Commercial Agency Contract Law (Contractul de agenţie), Art. 2072–2102 Civil Code.


The commercial agency law in Sweden is governed by Law No. 1991: 351 on the Commercial Agency of May 2, 1991 (Lag om commercial agency).


Commercial agency law in Slovakia is regulated by § 652–672a HGB (Obchodný zákonník).


Commercial agency law in Slovenia is regulated by Chapter XIX, Articles 807–836 of the Code of Obligations (Obligacijski zakonik).


The commercial agency law in Spain is regulated by Law 12/92 on the commercial agency contract of May 27, 1992 (Ley sobre Contrato de Agencia).

Czech Republic

Commercial agency law in the Czech Republic is regulated by Sections 2483–2520 BGB (Občanský zákoník).


Commercial agency law in Hungary is regulated by §§ 6: 288 - 6: 309 of the new Hungarian Civil Code and in Government Ordinance 65/2014 (III. 13.).

United Kingdom

Commercial agency law in the UK is governed by The Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993, Statuory Instrument 1993/3053; amended by Statutory Instruments 1993/3173 and 1998/2868.


Commercial agency law in Cyprus is governed by The Regulation of relations between Commercial Agent and Principal, Act No. 51/1992 (as amended: The Commercial Agents Law, Act No. 76/1986); amended Law No. 21/1994 and Law No. 149 (I) / 2000.

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Individual evidence

  1. OJ. L 382 of December 31, 1986 (p. 17)
  2. C-2014/11218, Law of April 2, 2014, Belgisch Staatsbad of April 28, 2014 (p. 35053)
  3. 1995-04-13 / 39, Law of April 13, 1995, Belgisch Staatsblaad of June 2, 1995 (p. 15621)