European Institute for Cistercian Research

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The European Institute for Cistercian Research (EUCist) has been a research and teaching department of the Philosophical-Theological University Benedict XVI since 2007 . of the monastery Stift Heiligenkreuz , Heiligenkreuz (Lower Austria) , in Austria . The board of directors is Alkuin Schachenmayr OCist.

History and mission

The institute was founded in 2007 on the occasion of the elevation of the Philosophical-Theological University of Heiligenkreuz to the University of Papal Law and was initially called the European Institute for Cistercian History, Spirituality, Art and Liturgy . The declared aim of the institute is the bundling, integration and coordination of existing German and English-language Cistercian research , as well as its own contribution to this research. The aim is the productive encounter between the living Cistercian order and researchers who do not belong to the order. Particular attention is paid to the Internet medium (including the Encyclopædia Cisterciensis Cistopedia and the online encyclopedia Wikipedia ). The head of the institute is Alkuin Volker Schachenmayr .


  • Alkuin Volker Schachenmayr (Ed.): Current ways of researching the Cistercians . Be & Be-Verlag, Heiligenkreuz 2008 (EUCist Studies 1). ISBN 978-3-9519898-2-2

Web links
