European Industrial Gases Association

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The European Industrial Gases Association AISBL (EIGA) is an association that represents most of the European and some non-European companies that produce industrial , medical and food gases . It is based in Brussels .

The member companies work together in matters of safety, production, transport, storage and application. EIGA also supports the development of standards and helps standardization bodies with technological expertise.

EIGA works with all national and regional industrial gas associations in the world, such as AIGA (Singapore), ANZIGA (Australia / New Zealand), CGA (USA), JIGA (Japan), SACGA (South Africa), all of which are associated with EIGA.


The Commission Permanent International (CPI) de l'Acetylene, de la soudure autogène et des industries qui 'y rattachent (German Permanent International Commission for acetylene , gas welding and connected industries ) was in on December 15, 1923 Paris founded. In 1989, the CPI merged with the European Dry Ice Association (EDIA; German European Dry Ice Association ), which was founded 1953rd The new association, known as CPI, was based in Brussels in 1990 and changed its name to the European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA) in April 1991 .


The EIGA also acts as a lobby platform for gas companies in Brussels.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Heinz-Wolfgang Häring: Industrial Gases Processing . John Wiley & Sons, 2008, ISBN 3-527-62125-3 , pp. 6 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. eiga: eiga: eiga: eiga , accessed on March 5, 2017
  3. European Industrial Gases Association AISBL (EIGA). In: LobbyFacts database, accessed March 5, 2017.