Schereschow Gospels

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Evangelist Matthew
Evangelist John

The Schereschow Gospel Book is an illustrated manuscript in Church Slavonic from the late 15th or 16th century, probably from what is now Belarus . It contains four full-page colored miniatures of the evangelists , as well as numerous ornamental decorations and initials .

The manuscript was in the church of Schereschow (Sharaschowa) from the 17th to the 19th century and is now in the National Art Museum in Minsk .

Web links

Commons : Schereschow Gospels  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Н. Ф. Высоцкая, Т. А. Карповіч (Ed.): Жывапіс Беларусі XII — XVIII стагоддзяў: Фрэска. Абраз. Партрэт , Мінск 1980, pp. 23-25