Evangelical youth in the country
The Protestant Youth in Rural Areas (ejl) is a working area of the Working Group of Protestant Youth in Germany eV (aej). The member organizations of the aej are also present in rural areas. At right angles to this structure, ejl bundles these work areas in rural areas. The ejl and the specialist group assigned to it ensure the professional exchange of the affected work areas, advise on technical topics, collect the concepts of the individual work areas and ensure the exchange of information and collegial exchange. The ejl formulates descriptions of the realities of life that are found in rural areas, names challenges that apply specifically to these structures, and shows how church work takes place and can be supported in this context.
The focus of the nationwide work is the agricultural policy information events. They offer specialists from agricultural professions, employees in rural youth and adult work and other interested parties a variety of topics. The venues are spread all over Germany in order to enable interested parties to attend seminars on site and with short journeys.
The offers and activities include:
- Agricultural policy information events
- Courses and workshops for child and youth work
- International agricultural study trips
- Stand campaigns as part of the International Green Week in Berlin
- Actions at church days
- Various activities in cooperation with the Catholic rural youth movement in Germany (KLJB) and the Federation of German Rural Youth (BDL)
Until the end of 2011, the ejl was an independent association as the Federal Working Group of Evangelical Youth in the Country (BAGejl). After that she became part of the AEJ. By 2014 the ejl office moved from the rural youth academy in Altenkirchen to the AEJ office. An old name of the ejl is also Protestant youth in the country.