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The Fámjinsstein

The Fámjinsstein ( Faroese : Fámjinssteinurin ) is a rune stone that can be found in the church of Fámjin in the Faroe Islands .

The Fámjinsstein is the third and youngest of the rune stones found in the Faroe Islands (see Kirkjubøstein and Sandavágsstein ). It is a tombstone and the runic inscription is repeated in Latin script . The stone is of little linguistic interest for Faroese linguistic research, as it contains few runic characters, the more interesting is its date of origin in the 16th century after the Reformation in the Faroe Islands (1538). The Fámjinsstein documents the use of runic writing in the Faroe Islands even in post-Catholic times.

Single receipts

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Coordinates: 61 ° 31 '32.6 "  N , 6 ° 52' 48.8"  W.