Federation of Revolutionary Socialists - Internationale

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The Federation of Revolutionary Socialists "Internationale" is a socialist association that emerged during the Austrian Revolution in November 1918. In May 1919 it merged with the Communist Party of German Austria (later KPÖ ). Its leaders were the councilor socialist Julius Dickmann , Leo Rothziegel and Johannes Wertheim .


In Austria, too, councils were established during the revolution at the end of 1918, but unlike in the German Reich or Russia, these only emerged sporadically in large urban centers (such as in Vienna or in the Upper Austrian industrial area). The Federation of Revolutionary Socialists “Internationale” (FRSI) founded on November 28, 1918 was a result of this council movement . Their forerunners were networks of revolutionary activists from the time of the January strike in 1918. The group had a federal form of organization and thus differed from the centralist party models of social democracy , but also of the communist parties.

The FRSI included council communists , left radicals , syndicalists , anarchists and some left social democrats. On the other hand, the FRSI rejected the accession of the League of Unruly Socialists , as it considered the “non-domination” sought by Rudolf Großmann to be incompatible with the council supremacy sought by the FRSI.

The FRSI was represented as a parliamentary group in the workers' councils and hoped for the proclamation of a pan-Austrian council republic. Therefore, she also rejected the elections to the National Assembly in February 1919, but did not advocate an agitational boycott of the election. When the council system could not be implemented, the FRSI joined the KPDÖ at the end of May 1919 - in the hope that the revolution would soon rekindle.


  • Peter Haumer: History of FRSI The Federation of Revolutionary Socialists “International” and the Austrian Revolution 1918/19 . Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-85476-676-6 .
  • Peter Haumer: The Federation of Revolutionary Socialists “International” and the Austrian Revolution . In: Work - Movement - History , Volume III / 2017, pp. 96–111.
  • Peter Haumer: Julius Dickmann. "... that the masses learn to understand themselves". Political biography and selected writings . Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-85476-645-2 .
  • Johannes Wertheim: The Federation of Revolutionary Socialists "Internationale". An episode from the Austrian workers 'movement 1918/19, in: Archive for the history of socialism and the workers' movement, ed. by Carl Grünberg, 12th year Leipzig: CL Hirschfeld Verlag 1926, pp. 297-309.


  1. ^ Peter Haumer: History of the FRSI The Federation of Revolutionary Socialists “International” and the Austrian Revolution 1918/19 . Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2018, pp. 9-10.
  2. ^ Peter Haumer: History of the FRSI The Federation of Revolutionary Socialists “International” and the Austrian Revolution 1918/19 . Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2018, p. 11.
  3. ^ Peter Haumer: History of the FRSI The Federation of Revolutionary Socialists “International” and the Austrian Revolution 1918/19 . Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2018, p. 12.