Support group Industriepfad Düsseldorf-Gerresheim

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Support group Industriepfad Düsseldorf-Gerresheim (FKI)
Logo of the Förderkreis Industriepfad Düsseldorf eV
President: Franz Nawrath and Michael Lesjak (board members)
Establishment date: 2007
Seat : Dusseldorf

The Förderkreis Industriepfad Düsseldorf eV (FKI) is an association for research into the industrial history of Düsseldorf and the neighboring region. The purpose of the association is the scientific processing and promotion of industrial culture, monument protection, monument preservation and cultural landscape protection. The association realizes this purpose with the conception of a path of the local historical industrial development in Düsseldorf- Gerresheim and in neighboring Düsseldorf-Ludenberg, with the identification of industrial-cultural locations in the entire Düsseldorf city area and with the support of industrial-cultural networks in the region.

Electrical center of the Gerresheimer Glashütte . 2012


Against the background of the closure of what was once the world's largest bottle producer, the Gerresheim glassworks, in 2005 and the simultaneous public discussion about the preservation of the last Düsseldorf ring furnace on Bergische Landstrasse, committed citizens of Düsseldorf-Gerresheim founded the “Förderkreis Industriepfad Düsseldorf-Gerresheim” in October 2007 eV ". The first chairman was the town planner and architect Niklaus Fritschi, who has been the association's board member until 2016 and has been its honorary chairman since then.

The aim of the "Förderkreis Industriepfad" was initially to work through the local industrial history in Düsseldorf-Gerresheim in connection with the city-wide industrial historical development of Düsseldorf and in particular to realize an industrial-cultural path with 20 stations in Gerresheim between the Sassen ring furnace and the factory area of ​​the former glassworks. The city-wide industrial-historical development of Düsseldorf should be traced using the small-scale rural town Gerresheim in the sense of speaking places. The association's first book publication “Industriepfad Düsseldorf-Gerresheim” appeared in 2009; in the same year the first exhibition of the FKI on the history of Gerresheimer Bahnhof was shown. Numerous publications and exhibitions on topics from Gerresheimer's and Düsseldorf's industrial and transport history followed. The FKI treats industrial history less from a technical history, but from a cultural and social history perspective.

By 2019, an industrial path with 25 stations, which was significantly expanded compared to the original spatial concept, had been created in the Gerresheim district. Three-sided steles designed by founding chairman Niklaus Fritschi provide information on one page about aspects of local industrial and social history, such as wire pen, brick and glass production, the workers 'settlements belonging to the glassworks and social forms of organization such as workers' sports clubs, while the second page embeds the Gerresheimer situation in the overall urban context. Due to the commitment of the support group, the last ring furnace in the Düsseldorf city area was partially saved from demolition under the leadership of Niklaus Fritschi and the advisory board members Gaby and Peter Schulenberg. The striking architectural evidence on the site of the former Gerresheimer Glashütte (boiler house, electrical control center and Gerrix tower) could also be saved from demolition thanks to the expert report by Kurt Hesse and placed under monument protection. The Gerresheimer Bahnhof as the initial location of Düsseldorf's industrial history was finally registered as a monument. The intensive preoccupation with topics of Gerresheimer's industrial culture history against the background of Düsseldorf and regional industrial history led to the renaming of the association in 2017 under the new chairman Franz Nawrath (since 2016) to “Förderkreis Industriepfad Düsseldorf eV”.


The "Förderkreis Industriepfad Düsseldorf eV" is a non-profit association that works purely on a voluntary basis. The business economist and computer scientist Franz Nawrath from Düsseldorf-Gerresheim has been chairman since October 2016. The board of directors, whose members jointly manage the association, is professionally supported by a scientific advisory board chaired by the historian Peter Henkel. This advisory board, to which several historians and archaeologists belong, designs the contents of the exhibitions and publications of the FKI. Four members of the association have received special honors since 2013. The founding chairman Niklaus Fritschi was elected honorary chairman by the members in 2016. Honorary members of the FKI are the art and culture historian Prof. Roland Günter, the former employee of the Gerresheimer Glashütte Otfried Reichmann and the owner of the Gerresheimer event and culture station, the architect Piet Neiser (deceased 2018).

Essential contents of the association's work

The core of the association's work was initially the construction and maintenance of the 4.2 km long industrial path in Düsseldorf-Gerresheim. Of the 25 planned steles, 23 have already been set up. In the northern part, starting with the last surviving ring kiln in Düsseldorf, the focus is on brick production. In the center of Gerresheim around the basilica there, the once large wire industry of the district is discussed. The southern section of the path deals with the former glassworks and its surroundings. In addition to these branches of industry, other areas such as social affairs, housing construction and leisure activities (sports, allotments, etc.) are also addressed. At the initiative of advisory board member Burkhard Lüking, parts of the path have also been marked for children since September 2019. Texts suitable for children have been attached to the steles, and the children can explore industrial history together with the mascot "Piet". The association also offers free educational material with selected sources on Gerresheimer's industrial history for teaching as a free download on its website. Furthermore, the association campaigns for the maintenance and museum use of the last remaining ring furnace. Events and exhibitions take place here regularly. In addition, the association offers guided tours on all subject areas of Gerresheimer's and Düsseldorf's industrial history at regular intervals and upon request.

In recent years the association presented the following exhibitions:

  • 2009: Gerresheim station
  • 2010: The settlement at the Zollhaus
  • 2011: Glass for the world - the rise and fall of the Gerresheimer Glashütte
  • 2012: From Jan-Wellem-Brunnen to modern water supply
  • 2013: 175 years of the railway
  • 2014: My way to Gerresheim
  • 2014: From demolition to departure - 150 years of Gerresheim glassworks
  • 2015: The last of its kind - history of the Sassen ring furnace on Bergische Landstrasse
  • 2015: The Trace of Stones - How brick architecture shaped the face of Düsseldorf
  • 2016: With fire & water - touring exhibition of the LVR industrial museum on industrial culture in the Bergisches Land
  • 2016: Church tower and chimney - between salvation and capital gains
  • 2017: People of the Industrial Path - The FKI says "Thank you"
  • 2017: Düsseldorf on the wire - the story of a forgotten industry
  • 2018: Glashütte meets China - a photo exhibition
  • 2018: More than just the desk - Düsseldorf iron and steel industry in pictures (together with the Düsseldorf City Archives)
  • 2018: Presentation of the wire exhibition at the "wire" in Messe Düsseldorf
  • 2019: Be careful, fragile! The forgotten legacy of the glassworks. A work-in-progress exhibition by the FKI
  • 2019: Beware of industrial culture! The industrial heritage of Düsseldorf.

In addition, numerous publications have appeared in recent years, especially catalogs for individual exhibitions:

  • Peter Henkel / Niklaus Fritschi: 175 years of the Düsseldorf-Elberfeld railway. The first railway line in West Germany as Düsseldorf's third hour of birth, Düsseldorf 2013 ( ISBN 978-3-7700-1515-3 )
  • Peter Henkel (Ed.): 150 years of Glashütte Gerresheim, Düsseldorf 2014 ( ISBN 978-3-7700-1533-7 )
  • Peter Henkel / J. Wiener (Eds.): The trace of stones, Düsseldorf 2016 ( ISBN 978-3-7700-6017-7 )
  • Peter Henkel (Ed.): Industriepfad Düsseldorf-Gerresheim, ext. and updated 2nd edition, Düsseldorf 2017 ( ISBN 978-3-7700-2002-7 )
  • Peter Henkel (Ed.): Düsseldorf on Wire - The Story of a Forgotten Industry, Düsseldorf 2017 ( ISBN 978-3-7700-6027-6 )
  • Beate Johlen-Budnik / Peter Stegt (eds.): Church tower & chimney - Between salvation and capital gains, Düsseldorf 2017
  • Peter Henkel / Benedikt Mauer: Glass, iron and steel. Düsseldorf industrial photography from the city archive, Düsseldorf 2018 ( ISBN 978-3-7700-6033-7 )

A special achievement is the development of the so-called glass treasure. In 2014 a bunker was discovered on the site of the former glassworks, in which around 10,000 sample bottles and jars from the 1950s and 1990s were stored. In consultation with the owner at the time, “Patrizia”, almost 7,000 bottles were recovered, safely stowed in boxes and stored. From 2017 to 2019, these were archived and documented by advisory board members Gaby and Peter Schulenberg. They represent a significant cross-section of the economic and production history of the glassworks. In 2019, an initial interim status of this work was presented in an exhibition. After the sale of the “Patrizia” site to a new investor, the association remains in close contact with the new owner and the responsible planners to this day.

Cooperations and public relations

The FKI always works closely with other clubs. These include local associations such as the citizens' and homeland association Düsseldorf-Gerresheim and the cultural group Gerresheim, but also associations in other districts of Düsseldorf and the "Via Industrialis" in Cologne. The FKI is one of the co-founders of the regional industrial-cultural project "Rheinschiene". Various foundations such as B. the NRW Foundation have been supporting the work of the association for years. There is a close cooperation with the Düsseldorf City Archives, with which z. B. 2018 a photo exhibition with accompanying catalog was realized. In addition to the regular exhibitions and guided tours, the association has its own homepage and a presence on Facebook.

Literature about the Förderkreis Industriepfad Düsseldorf eV

  • Peter Henkel (Ed.): Düsseldorf Industrial Path. Düsseldorf 2009, ISBN 978-3-7700-1318-0 .
  • Peter Henkel, "Industrial Development Path" in Ludenberg and Gerresheim. Joint plan as food for thought on the story. In: Around the Quadenhof, Issue 2, 2006, pp. 29–37.
  • Peter Henkel, Gaby and Peter Schulenberg: The Düsseldorf-Gerresheim industrial path. A concept is taking shape. In: Around the Quadenhof, Issue 1, 2008, pp. 23-27.
  • Peter Henkel: The industrial path makes its way through Gerresheim. Explorations always cause surprises. In: Rund um den Quadenhof, issue 2, 2008, pp. 31–35.
  • Gaby and Peter Schulenberg: A loess wall was exposed again. In: Grünstift - Das Düsseldorfer Umweltmagazin Issue 66, May – August 2009; Pp. 4-5.
  • Gaby and Peter Schulenberg (together with Frithjof Nolden and Bernhard Kamps): The Peter Jorissen brickworks - a late discovery. In: Archeology in the Rhineland 2008. Stuttgart 2009. pp. 174–177.
  • Peter Henkel (Ed.): The city of Gerresheim before the incorporation in 1909. Your contribution to the history of Düsseldorf. Essays on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of incorporation on April 1, 1909. Studies on Düsseldorf Economic History 7, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-7700-3062-0 .
    • therein: Ders., A forgotten industry: The Gallberg as the center of the Düsseldorf brick industry. Pp. 99-125.
    • therein: Ders., in collaboration with Gaby and Peter Schulenberg, Otfried Reichmann: Der Industriepfad Düsseldorf-Gerresheim. A project. Pp. 127-153.
  • Peter Henkel, Gerresheim industrial path. In: Wolfgang Funken, Ars Publica Düsseldorf. History of works of art and cultural symbols in the public space of the state capital Düsseldorf, vol. 3 (publications from the city archive Düsseldorf vol. 21, sources and research on the history of the Lower Rhine vol. 11), Essen 2012, p. 1664f.
  • Peter Henkel, Industriepfad Düsseldorf-Gerresheim, in: Clemens von Looz-Corswarem, Benedikt Mauer (ed.), Das Große Düsseldorf-Lexikon, Cologne 2012.
  • Peter Henkel, 1838 - When the first train rolled in. 175 years oldest railway line in West Germany between Düsseldorf and Elberfeld. A contribution to their history. In: Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch 83 (2013), pp. 97–128
  • Gaby and Peter Schulenberg, A picture of the Gerresheim train station from 1846. In: Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch 83 (2013), pp. 397–403.
  • Peter Henkel / Niklaus Fritschi, The Düsseldorf-Gerresheim industrial path. Matrix for a city-wide industrial culture concept? In: Walter Buschmann (ed.), Industriekultur Düsseldorf and the Bergisches Land, Essen 2016, pp. 359–376
  • The former Peter Jorissen brickworks and its clay pits in Düsseldorf-Ludenberg. A search for clues. History - archeology - nature conservation. Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch 2018, Contributions to the History of the Lower Rhine, Vol. 88, pp. 131–155

Web links

Individual evidence