Faccetta Nera

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Faccetta Nera ( Italian for " black face ") is the title of a marching song created by Giuseppe Micheli for the Italian troops and the fascist militiamen on the occasion of the Italian-Ethiopian War in 1935.

It was considered the battle song of the Italian fascist movement and is still a popular song in the neo-fascist scene today. Faccetta Nera is also interpreted as a black ribbon , which stands for a black scarf or a black armband or for the black shirts of the Italian fascists ( black shirts ).


The text glorifies the Italian intentions to invade. The song is formulated like a serenade to a (possibly not only fictional) beautiful Abyssinian (Ethiopian) with that black face and "explains" to her that the Italians only came to give her freedom (a new king, a new law ) and to let them participate in the supposed new greatness of Rome under Mussolini .

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