Departmental work

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The departmental thesis (FBA) was an existing preliminary examination in Austria for the written Matura . A department thesis replaced a written exam, so that the students had to complete three further written and oral exams in addition to the FBA. The FBA should be around 20 to 30 pages long and was written as a homework .

The FBA was seen as “pre-academic work” in which the pupils should show that they were able to independently work out a new topic correctly in terms of language and content. The topic was determined by mutual agreement between the student and the subject teacher, who acted as supervisor for the FBA. After the topic had been determined, the approval of the state school board was required. There was also the possibility of an interdisciplinary choice of topics, i. H. the student chooses a topic from two different subjects. Only subjects that were taught in the last school year and could be selected as an examination area for the oral Matura were allowed to be chosen. Some professors also wanted a practical part in the FBA, i. H. the student should research part of his / her work himself (possible practical work are interviews or self-made photos).

The subject in which the FBA was written was to be chosen for the oral matriculation examination, whereby the examination time increased by ten minutes according to the matriculation examination regulation . In addition, the pupil had to present his or her work for approx. 5–10 minutes as part of the oral school leaving examination.

As part of the new school leaving examination (Zentralmatura), the voluntary departmental work has been replaced by a mandatory pre-academic work for all students.

See also

Individual evidence


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