Faroese. An Overview and Reference Grammar

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Faroese. An Overview and Reference Grammar is the title of the most comprehensive work on the Faroese language to date . As it is aimed at an international audience, it is written in English .

The book was published in the summer of 2004 by the Faroe Islands Science Publishing House ( Føroya Fróðskaparfelag ) as a long-term planned and laid out work by a team of authors led by the Icelandic linguist Höskuldur Þráinsson . According to its own claim, it is a manual that covers all aspects of the Faroese language over 500 pages, namely: spelling , pronunciation ( phonetics and phonology ), inflections of all parts of speech , morphology , word formation , syntax , dialects and language history with special consideration of comparative linguistics . All of this with detailed references.

According to the authors, the book is also aimed at non- linguists and native speakers and is a supplement to every Faroese dictionary that has been published to date.


ISBN 99918-41-85-7 paperback