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Fasoulis ( Greek Φασουλής , also transcribed Fasulis ) describes the comic main character of a Greek form of puppet theater and also this form of puppet theater.

At about the same time as the Karagiozis - Shadow Theater from Turkish it was made in the 19th century Italy acquired where the puppet theater a long time to the Middle Ages had standing tradition. The figure corresponds roughly to that of the Kaspers in the German puppet theater. The only recent study of Fasoulis puppet theater comes from the Austrian theater scholar Walter Puchner, who teaches in Greece .


  • Walter Puchner: Fasulis. Greek puppet theater of Italian origin from the second half of the 19th century. (= Sources and research on puppetry. Volume 2). German Institute for Puppetry , Bochum 1978, ISBN 3-88317-004-6 .

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