Fat Freddy's hangover

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Fat Freddys Kater (OT: Fat Freddy's Cat ) is a cartoon character and series by the US underground comix artist Gilbert Shelton . German editions of the comics were published by Zweiausendeins , Rotbuch and Volksverlag .

The orange cat with the black striped tail made his first appearance in 1969 as a supporting character in the early Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers . Soon his first own strips appeared .


Fat Freddy's Cat has no real name, his occasional nephew call him Uncle F . He lives in the apartment of the three Freak Brothers with Fat Freddy as the main reference person. The tomcat is at least as intelligent as its nominal owner. With this he shares the preference for food of all kinds without assuming the size of the body. As a rule, he gets along well with the non-bourgeois lifestyle of the three hippies or even benefits from it, but is not quite as inclined to use drugs as they do. If he is treated unfairly or forgotten at home, the furniture is destroyed or he does his business - which cats or animals in the comic have not done before - in boots, on headphones or other unsuitable places.

Other characters are the mice, which also live in the Freak Brothers apartment, and the cockroaches .

In addition to the more than a hundred short strips, there are also longer stories in which the Pied Piper of Hamelin is continued, the cat is the victim of a cockroach war , he saves the earth from the invasion of the Globs and survives the cat concentration camp .

Volumes published in German

  • Fat Freddy's hangover and his adventures , 1978 two thousand and one
  • Fat Freddys Kater , 1983, Volksverlag
  • Fat Freddy's Kater , 1986, Red Book, ISBN 3-88022-322-X
  • Fat Freddy's Kater 2 , 1990, Rotbuch, ISBN 3-88022-029-8
  • Fat Freddy's Kater and the Pied Piper of Hameln , 1993, Rotbuch, ISBN 3-88022-800-0

Fat Freddy's Drop

The New Zealand band Fat Freddy's Drop named themselves after the cartoon character. The musicians recorded their debut single Hope under the influence of LSD . Fat Freddy's cat was depicted on the blotters . The word dropping can mean LSD .


  1. The spelling with apostrophe Fat Freddy's Kater is also used.
  2. The relationship between the cat and the three kittens is uncertain: from distant cousins ​​to your own children, anything is possible. Fat Freddy's Kater 2 , Red Book, 1990, ISBN 3-88022-029-8


  1. ^ German editions of Shelton's works
  2. Review: Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, vol 1 in the Guardian
  3. BBC: Fat Freddy's Drop (New Zealand)
  4. SMH: Fat Freddy's Drop
  5. Picture ( Memento of the original from January 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.blotterart.net