Fatoş Gürkan

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Fatoş Gürkan (* 1. January 1966 in the village of the district Çevlik Karaisalı the province of Adana ) is a Turkish lawyer and politician of the ACP .

Gürkan completed her studies at the Faculty of Law at Ankara Üniversitesi . Then she worked as a freelance lawyer. Gürkan is a member of the TEMA Foundation and the Karaisalılar Association as well as the Institute for Turkish Law. She worked on the Adanas Bar Association's Commissions for Children, Culture and Tourism. In the 23rd legislative period of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey , Fatoş Gürkan is a MP for the province of Adana. She is also a member of the parliamentary presidium.

Fatoş Gürkan speaks English, is married and has two children.

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