Field post stamp

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Field postage stamps are special postage stamps that are issued by state field post during a military conflict or during a military maneuver . Such stamps are relatively rare, as in most states field post was generally free of postage. Often, however, additional services such as registered mail , express delivery etc. were subject to postage, for which field postage stamps were used. The field post approval stamps are to be distinguished from the field post stamps in the narrower sense . These stamps were issued by the German Reich, Malta and other countries during the Second World War through the field post to restrict postal traffic between the front and home and in the opposite direction. The soldiers received a small number of tokens each month. For approval, these stamps had to be affixed to cards, letters and parcels in addition to the postage.

Feldpost approval stamp for parcels up to 2 kg
Soldier postage stamp

Around 1978, a Bundeswehr field post stamp surprisingly appeared , which was supposed to enable an analogous procedure in an emergency. However, this stamp was never officially issued and its inventory was destroyed because the storage costs were too high. Since the official introduction of field post in 1982, it has been treated like normal mail, i. This means that the currently available and valid postage stamps are used.

The so-called soldier stamps and military post stamps must be distinguished from field post stamps and field post approval stamps. In peacetime, the state post issued soldiers' stamps to soldiers for mail delivery at reduced rates, while military postage stamps are stamps from a postal service set up by the military for the civilian population.


  • Ullrich Häger: Large encyclopedia of philately. S. 148, Bertelsmann, Gütersloh 1973. ISBN 3-570-03229-9

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