Dirt road (unit)

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The dirt road was an ancient measure of length. Luther already mentioned this measure. The measure was at least equal to the Rosslauf, is mentioned in the Bible (3. Makk. 4.11 and 6.15) and was also equal to the stage. The crotch was 5 feet . According to other sources, there were 15 dirt roads that could be covered in one hour (1 ½ hours). It was given as the thirty-second part of the German mile , but it is inconsistent.

  • 1 dirt road = 125 steps (geometric) = 625 feet = about 190 meters (orientation value)


  • Jurende's patriotic pilgrim: business and entertainment book for all provinces of the Austrian imperial state: consecrated to all friends of culture from the teaching, military and nutritional class, especially to all nature and fatherland friends. Volume 21, Winiker, Brünn 1834, p. 106

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Joseph Polykarp Schilcher: Biblical antiquities (etc.). Vienna 1810, p. 111
  2. JF Allioli: General Dictionary of the Holy Scriptures: A supplementary volume to all Bible editions according to the Vulgate, but especially to the Holy Scriptures by JF Allioli: with chronological and historical tables., Volume 2, Verlag Joseph Manz, Regensburg 1840, p. 225
  3. Gottfried Erich Rosenthal, Abraham Gotthelf Kästner: Encyclopedia of pure mathematics and practical geometry. Volume 4, Ettinger, 1796, p. 275
  4. Friedrich Albert Voigt: School Bible. Scripture history books in the hands of minors. Along with a description of the holy land. Wilhelm Jowien Verlag, Hamburg 1864 p. 298