Festival Committee Berlin Carnival

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The Festival Committee Berlin Carnival (FBK) is an umbrella organization in the Berlin Carnival, especially as a communication portal for the associations and for representing opinions vis-à-vis the highest umbrella organization of the Bund deutscher Karneval e. V. (BdK e.V.) and the Berlin-Brandenburg Carnival Association. Furthermore, the FBK together with the Association carnival Berlin for the Berlin Carnival Parade responsible.

The Berlin Carnival can look back on a long tradition, which is due to the fact that the Rhineland , which is well versed in carnival style , fell to Prussia in the mid-19th century. But as early as 1430, large families and councilors celebrated the so-called "Fastelawende" in the city.

In 1990, the West and East Berlin Carnival Associations joined the Landesverband Berliner Karneval e. V. and thus anticipated the reunification, if you will. Every year the Berlin carnival parade, which leads past historically significant buildings through Mitte, attracts more than 750,000 visitors to the route. In 2006 alone, 22 clubs took part in the Berlin carnival parade, which led from Potsdamer Platz to Schloßplatz .

In 2012 and 2013, only around 10,000 visitors saw the train, which was now on a route in City-West , after the authorities had limited noise emissions from music to an upper limit of 75  decibels and also imposed high requirements for the subsequent street cleaning. For cost reasons, the festival committee then canceled the train for 2014.


  • until 1993 Werner Paulisch
  • 1993–1996 Thomas Titze
  • 1996-2014 Edmund Braun
  • since 2014 Klaus Heimann

Associations in the FBK stand 2020

  • Berlin Carnevals Club
  • Berlin Carneval Association
  • Carneval Club Lichtenberg
  • 1. Carnival regulars table OUT
  • Harlequin Berlin
  • Carnival Club Spandau
  • Charlottenburger KG blue-yellow
  • KG Blue Guard Britz
  • Berlin-Neuköllner KG "Fidele Rixdorfer"
  • KG Happy Elf eV
  • Rose guard
  • KG fool's cap Berlin
  • KG "Red Sparks Berlin"
  • Fools Guild Berlin
  • Narrhalla black and white
  • Prinzengarde of the city of Berlin
  • Rheinische KG in Berlin
  • Stadtgarde Rot-Gold Berlin
  • Dance-Sport-Group Rixdorf
  • Association of Aacheners in Berlin

Individual evidence

  1. berliner-kurier.de
  2. [1]