Airport length classes in Spain

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The airport length classes in Spain ( Spanish Servidumbres de Aeródromos ) identify the usable runway length of runways at airfields with five different letters A, B, C, D and E.

The code letters for the usable runway length were determined in accordance with the ICAO guidelines for all of Spain and published by decree by the Ministerio de Fomento , Dirección General de Aviación Civil (DGAC):

  • A, more than 2100 meters
  • B, between 1500 and 2100 meters
  • C, between 900 and 1500 meters
  • D, between 750 and 900 meters
  • E, less than 750 meters

The reference runway lengths indicate the maximum usable runway length for take-off and landing in meters based on the ICAO standard atmosphere . The Spanish marking differs from the only four and shorter length categories of the ICAO recommendation, which are listed in ICAO Annex 14. ICAO information is also expressed in two digits.

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