Electromobility + research initiative

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Logo of the research initiative Electromobility +

The research initiative Electromobility + is a joint funding program for electromobility , in which government organizations from 11 European countries and regions participated from 2010 to 2015. The European Commission has financially supported this initiative with funds from the 7th Research Framework Program. Electromobility + aimed to create sustainable framework conditions for the development of electric mobility in Europe by 2025. It was a contribution to the European Green Cars Initiative of the European Commission.

Origin and development

Against the background of the discussion on climate protection and the creation of alternatives to the use of fossil fuels in the transport sector, programs to promote alternative drive systems for road transport have been launched in recent years. In this context, the European Commission and government organizations from 11 countries and regions in Europe initiated the joint funding initiative Electromobility + in 2010.

The focus of the cooperation was a joint call for funding for research projects published in December 2010. The project call covered the following topics:

  • Energy and environmental policy approaches
  • Usage patterns, economic models, actors involved
  • Technical framework conditions for the charging systems
  • Testing, testing and normative standards
  • Technology-based innovation

The aim of the tender was to develop application-oriented scientific and practical knowledge for decision-makers in the areas of urban and regional transport. The results of the projects should also ensure transferability in a European context.

The total of 40 submitted applications were evaluated in a two-stage process, initially by the funding agency, and in a second step by independent international experts as part of a peer review. As a result of this process, 18 transnational research projects were selected for funding. Funding totaling 20 million euros was provided by the participating countries and regions as well as ERA-NET Plus funds from the European Commission from the EU's 7th Framework Program for Research. So far, the Electromobility + initiative has been the largest transnational call for research projects in the field of transport.

The research projects started successively from mid-2012 with a project duration of up to 36 months. The first interim results of the projects were presented in 2014. The final results of the Electromobility + initiative were presented to the specialist public and discussed during the closing event on May 20, 2015 in Berlin.

Institutions involved

National and regional funding programs from 11 European countries Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland and Sweden took part in Electromobility +. From Germany, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) were involved. The Austrian partner was the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT).

The following organizations were partners in the initiative:

abbreviation Full name country
ADEME Agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie France
ANR Agence française de financement de la recherche France
BMVI Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure Germany
BMVIT Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology Austria
BMWI Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Germany
DKMT Transportministeriet Denmark
FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency mbH Austria
FINPIE Finpiemonte SpA Italy
FTA Liikennevirasto Finland
IFD Styrelsen for Forskning and Innovation Denmark
IWT Agentschap voor Innovation door Wetenschap en Technologie Belgium
MEDDE Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable et de l'Énergie France
Ministry of Economics Zaken Ministry of Economics Zaken Netherlands
MinIenM Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment Netherlands
NCBR Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Poland
RCN Norges forskningsråd Norway
Transnova Statens vegvesen Norway
TÜV Technical Monitoring Association Rhineland Germany
VINNOVA Verket för innovationssystem - for research and development Sweden

Funded projects

Each of the 18 funded project consortia consisted of partners from at least two of the participating countries and regions. A total of 96 institutions, including research institutions, universities, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large companies and public bodies, were actively involved in the project work.

The Electromobility + research projects can be classified into three subject groups:

  • Socio-economic issues
  • Technological strategies (including network management) and
  • Research & Development

The following projects were funded under the initiative:

Socio-economic issues

  • SCelecTRA - Scenarios for the electrification of Transports
  • EV-STEP - Sustainable Technical and Economic Pathways for Electrified Mobility Systems in EU28 by 2030
  • eMap - electromobility - scenario based market potential, assessment and policy options
  • DEFINE - Development of an Evaluation Framework for the Introduction of Electromobility
  • SELECT - Suitable ELEctromobility for Commercial Transport
  • COMPETT - Competitive ElectricTown Transport
  • E-FACTS - Electric Vehicles For Alternative City Transport Systems

Technological strategies

  • EVERSAFE - Everyday Safety for Electric Vehicles
  • ABattReLife - Automotive Battery Recycling and 2nd Life
  • EVREST - Electric Vehicle with Range Extender as a Sustainable Technology
  • CACTUS - Models and Methods for the Evaluation and the Optimal Application of Battery Charging and Switching Technologies for Electric Busses
  • Speed ​​for SMEs - Systematic development of Propulsion systems for Enhanced Electromobility Drive trains
  • DAME - Development, validation and application of an agent-based modeling approach for optimal integration of electromobility in electricity distribution grids
  • NEMO - Novel E-Mobility Grid Model

Research & Development

  • MATLEV - New materials and technologies for lightweight generic components of electric low-emission concept vehicle
  • MaLiSu - Nanomaterials for future generation Lithium Sulfur batteries
  • K-VEC - Ultrafast and distributed power charge system for high performance on-board energy storage devices
  • FCCF-APU - Fuel Cell Operating on Conventional Fuels as Auxiliary Power Unit for Electrical Vehicles

Results of the funding initiative

The results of the funding initiative have contributed to broadening the knowledge base on electromobility and have provided additional foundations for the nationwide introduction of e-mobility in Europe. The project results are specifically applicable and usable for political decision-makers and groups of actors from business, science and communities. Tools, scenarios, guidelines and models for strengthening e-mobility are, for example:

  • Optimized management of electric vehicles in vehicle fleets
  • Simulation of the effects of electric vehicles on the power grid and their optimal integration
  • Simulation of the effects of the introduction of electric vehicles on greenhouse gases and other emissions in road traffic
  • Performance of electric vehicles in the event of accidents and guidelines for emergency assistance and towing services derived therefrom
  • Solutions to extend the range of electric vehicles by optimizing the charging infrastructure
  • Efficient, inexpensive and sustainable concepts for battery recycling, charging and changing and the use of super capacitors
  • Innovative materials for lightweight structures for the construction of electric vehicles
  • Optimization of the relationship between material structure and battery performance


It is planned to set up a so-called ERA-NET Cofund initiative to promote electromobility in Europe in collaboration with the European Commission, the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association (EGVIA) and European countries and regions. The new platform will build on the experiences, networks and results of the Electromobility + initiative. The aim is to put cross-border research and a targeted policy exchange on the subject of e-mobility in Europe on a further level of cooperation. With the two-pronged approach of the initiative, research and politics will be more closely networked with one another in order to accelerate the introduction of electromobility at European level.

As part of the first of the two pillars, innovation projects with a focus on the application and demonstration of electric mobility in Europe are funded. The projects will:

  • help to accelerate the market introduction of cost-effective and socially responsible solutions for the integration of electric mobility in Europe's urban and regional transport systems
  • Develop practical guidelines and recommendations for action for decision-makers in the responsible authorities
  • Support industry and service sectors in providing suitable and practicable solutions for electric mobility in European cities
  • contribute to the implementation of large and highly visible demonstration and implementation projects

It is planned to launch a call for funding in 2016 for the submission of project proposals on previously defined key fields of electromobility.

In addition to financing innovation and demonstration projects, the new ERA-Net will establish a second, strategic pillar. The aim of this new approach is to expand cooperation in the network beyond joint project funding and to coordinate the government organizations, e.g. B. to improve political accompanying steps.

Web links


Contact and information

Individual evidence

  1. TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH: Electromobility + 2010–2015 - Results, April 2015