Fortune (computer program)

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The computer program Fortune can traditionally be found on computers with Unix or Linux as the operating system . However, there are also programs for Windows . Its function is to display " fortune cookies " and other humorous aphorisms . Popular sources for aphorisms are typical net culture topics such as the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy , programming and hacking .

It is usually started automatically when the system is started or when you log in. You can also call it manually in a Linux shell with fortune . However, Fortune is not always included in the standard installation of current Linux distributions, so that it may first have to be installed via the package management (in Debian and Ubuntu the package of the actual Fortune program is called fortune-mod , there are also various packages with "Sayings" that are installed separately or via dependencies). The "sayings" are located as text files in the directory / usr / share / games / fortunes (or subdirectories thereof) and can also be read and edited there manually. For reasons of efficiency, there is an additional .dat file with the offsets of the individual "sayings" for each text file, which may have to be updated with the strfile  text file .

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