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FranceAgriMer , the National Institute for Agricultural and Marine Products, is the legal successor to Viniflhor and ONIVINS (Office national interprofessionnel des vins). It performs tasks on behalf of the state instead of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests (Ministère de l'Agriculture).

"FranceAgriMer" was created on April 1, 2009 due to Ordonnance No. 2009-325 of March 25, 2009 through the merger of five former authorities from various sectors of the agricultural economy, including the French office for wine, fruit, vegetables and horticulture " Viniflhor " , the “Office de l'Elevage” (cattle and poultry breeding), “Ofimer” (aquaculture and fishing), “ONIGC” (grain) and “Onippam” (herbs and medicinal plants). The administrative unit is under the supervision of the French Ministry of Agriculture. Your task is to promote the economic development of the industries and to increase their speed of action in the event of a necessary crisis management. Advisory and arbitration board for the out-of-court settlement of legal disputes.

Until July 1, 2013, Fabien Bova was the institute's first general director.

Individual evidence

  1. Ordonnance n ° 2009-325 du 25 mars 2009 relative à la création de l'Agence de services et de paiement et de l'Etablissement national des produits de l'agriculture et de la mer
  2. French wine office Viniflhor becomes part of FranceAgriMer. New merger in the French agricultural sector. In: press release. Sopexa, accessed December 11, 2013 .
  3. FranceAgriMer: New merger in the French agricultural sector. In: press release. Fruchtportal, June 29, 2009, accessed December 11, 2013 .
  4. Marie-Sophie Ramspacher: Fabien Bova Le "surhomme" de FranceAgriMer. Les Échos , April 29, 2009, accessed December 11, 2013 .