Frankträger (actor)

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Frank Träger (born April 28, 1968 ) is a former German actor who became known primarily for the role of "Alex" in the GDR children's film The Long Ride to School .


At the age of 12, porter took part in the casting for the DEFA production The Long Ride to School and was selected from several thousand children for the lead role of "Alex". For the film, porters had to learn to ride . At the beginning of the shooting he fell from his horse and broke his arm, which delayed the rest of the shoots for several weeks. After a few more appearances in television films or series, Träger turned away from acting.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Jens Rübner: "Snot noses". Film children from days long gone . Engelsdorfer Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-86901-181-3 , p. 77 ff . ( Google Books ).
  2. ^ Family Neumann. Television of the GDR - online dictionary of GDR television films, television games and TV productions, accessed on February 12, 2015 .