Frankfurt Economic Society

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The Frankfurter Wirtschaftswwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (fwwg) is an alumni organization of the Faculty of Economics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.

It has over 1,600 members in 2018. Founded in 1988, it was the first alumni organization of a department of economics at a German university and is today one of the groups of its kind with the largest number of members. It is located at the interface between students, alumni, companies and the department and thus offers the various stakeholders a common platform for exchange and mutual benefit.


As stated in the statutes, the purpose of the fwwg is to support the department of economics, in particular by establishing an exchange with former relatives and former students as well as by promoting contacts between the department and practice. The fwwg sees itself as a link between faculty and practice or as a catalyst between teaching and activity.


It was founded in 1988. A group of students, in interaction with professors of the same mind, saw a great need for an alumni society. Alumni networks in English-speaking countries, through which the alumni maintain contact with one another and with the alma mater , served as a model. After a year there were 300 members, currently there are over 1,600. It is increasingly possible to win internationally renowned companies as strategic partners.


Organs of the association (e.V.) are the general assembly , the board of directors and the advisory board . Registration of ongoing work as well as their control is via a branch .

The highest body of the fwwg is - in accordance with association law and customary practice - the general assembly . The management of the fwwg is incumbent on the executive board . The general coordination of activities and procedures takes place with the advisory board within the advisory board meeting , in which the involvement of the advisory boards in ongoing work is also agreed on a case-by-case basis.

Tasks, structure and processes are fundamentally laid down in the articles of association , of which the contribution regulations are an important part .

Membership structure

The fwwg currently has 1,600 members, 1,200 of whom are alumni and 400 are juniors. The alumni are mainly former graduates of the economics faculty at the Goethe University Frankfurt, but also teachers and employees or friends of the fwwg from other areas. The juniors are students.

In the last few years in particular - as a result of the activities in the student sector - there has been a significantly greater increase in the number of juniors.


The rer. pole. - the magazine of the Frankfurt Economic Science Society - has been published since the association was founded in 1988. All issues can be viewed in full in the German National Library. A newsletter provides constant information about ongoing campaigns and events.

In a book “Goethe war gut” published in 2015, numerous contributions describe the origins and development of the Frankfurt Economic Science Society.



The fwwg comes up with a variety of events that serve to improve the connection between the department and alumni, to increase the level of awareness of the fwwg, and to promote the independence and skills of the students during their studies and later practice. The opportunities offered under the motto Best Practice to become familiar with IT methods and so-called soft skills should be emphasized here .

The AlumnInsights series offers guided tours of companies and media in the Rhine-Main region. At the academic celebration, the association honors the winners of the sponsorship award. The company also offers formats such as junior get-togethers, business films, KulturGenuss, Made in Frankfurt, an annual Oktoberfest visit and the summer festival. In 2018 the fwwg celebrates its 30th anniversary.

Mentoring program

With the mentoring program, the fwwg would like to prepare students for their later professional activities. Business partners support the program professionally and financially. The meetings often take place in conjunction with other events.

Sponsorship award

The fwwg awards sponsorship awards After a break of several years, the award has been advertised again in recent years. The fwwg calls on the faculty professors in two funding lines - Bachelor and Master - to name their best students from the seminars. Six works will be selected that will be presented to an expert jury and a qualified audience and will be awarded prizes in cash and in kind.


  • Goethe was good. On the history of the Department of Economics, the Frankfurt Economic Science Society (fwwg) and the challenges of alumni work , publisher: Wolfgang A. Eck and Frankfurter Wirtschaftswwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft eV, Weilburg 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. Statutes of the Frankfurt Economic Science Society (fwwg), as of May 7, 2016, § 2.
  2. a b Kalinowski, Silke: 25 years fwwg , in rer. pol., edition 1.2013, p. 4 f.
  3. ^ Statutes of the Frankfurt Economic Science Society (fwwg), as of May 7, 2016, § 4.
  4. Statutes of the Frankfurt Economic Science Society (fwwg), as of May 7, 2016, § 5.
  5. Statutes of the Frankfurt Economic Science Society (fwwg), as of May 7, 2016, § 7.
  6. Statutes of the Frankfurt Economic Science Society (fwwg), as of May 7, 2016, § 8.
  7. fwwg fee regulations, as of the beginning of May 2017
  8. As a source for figures, possibly minutes of the 2017 general meeting
  9. Goethe was good: with awareness and duty. Membership numbers and strategies for recruiting members , in: Goethe war gut, 2015 , p. 42.
  10. Goethe was good. On the history of the Department of Economics, the Frankfurt Economic Science Society (fwwg) and the challenges of alumni work , publisher: Wolfgang A. Eck and Frankfurter Wirtschaftswwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft eV, Weilburg 2015.
  11. Goethe was good: fwwg's successful formats for students. Best practice series and sponsorship award , in: Goethe war gut, 2015 , p. 75 f.
  12. Rufenach, Steffen: In tandem to graduation and career start. The fwwg mentoring program , in: Goethe war gut, 2015 , pp. 70–74.
  13. ^ Bormann-Kuhles, Uta: Norbert-Walter-Förderpreis. Foundation for a brilliant career , in: rer. pol., edition 1.2016, p. 16f - Schypula, Günter: Norbert-Walter-Förderpreis 2013. A review , in: rer. pol., edition 1.2014, p. 16