French ruling

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French Seyès ruler with pencil and ruler for size reference
French Seyès ruling

The French ruling is a ruling that is mainly used in France. In France it is called “grands carreaux” or “réglure Seyès”, after its inventor Jean-Alexandre Seyès . The stationery dealer Jean-Alexandre Seyès registered the pattern for the ruling on August 16, 1892 at the Pontoise court . Due to the good overview of the learning success of the individual pupil in the standard font, the Seyès ruling was introduced in all French schools at the end of the 19th century.

The Seyès ruling consists of 8 mm high squares through which thicker, horizontal lines run. Between two thick lines there are three thinner ones that create four 2 mm high spaces. A red line on the side delimits the area for the teacher's comments.

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