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Franzer is a term from automobile sport .

In a rally , a specialty of automobile sport , the co-driver (copilot) is referred to as a French. The Frenchman has the task of taking over the administrative part of a trip.

The term Franzer probably comes from the aviation language of the First World War . The pilot was called Emil . The copilot (navigator, observer) was called Franz , from which the metaphor “we got lost” was derived in German, which is still used today as a synonym for getting lost during a trip.

The term Franzer was already mentioned in older editions of the Duden, but does not seem to have established itself in German usage today.

Individual evidence

  1. ( page no longer available , search in web archives: ADAC Rallye Schule - where pilots and "French" learn the rallying basics )@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  2. Manfred von Richthofen : The red fighter pilot ( online ).
  3. ^ Organizer of the Bad Schmiedeberg Rally ( Memento from July 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ADAC rally school in the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben ( Memento from December 12, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Where pilots and "French" learn the basics of rallying - ADAC Rallye Schule visits the MotorsportArena Oschersleben Press release of January 23, 2007 - General German Automobile Club (ADAC)
  6. ^ BZ Berlin
  7. ^ Wiktionary