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Fregoula dish with mussels

Fregula (also Fregola ) is a type of pasta made from durum wheat semolina in small spheres that is widespread in Sardinia .


Available in different sizes, the fregula is made by rolling the semolina in a large clay bowl and roasting it in the oven. It comes in the form of irregular spheres with a diameter between 2 and 6 mm.

A typical preparation of the fregula is the combination with mussels . The dish is called Frègula de còciula in Sardinian or Fregula di arselle in Italian .

Fregula were mentioned as early as the 14th century in the statute of the Mugnai of Tempio Pausania , which regulates the preparation from Monday to Friday to allocate the water on Saturday and Sunday.

Etymology and other names

The word is derived from the Latin ferculum (passage, court). Another possible origin mentioned is the Italian verb fregare (rub), which indicates the manufacturing process. In the Biblia vulgata the fregula is mentioned as fregolo (ital. Briciolo (crumb / crumb)), which refers to the shape and small size of the pasta. Other names are Cascà in the Calasetta region on Sant'Antioco and in Carloforte on San Pietro (both Sardinian) as well as - also internationally widespread - the Italianized Fregola .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Saluti gastronomici dalla Sardegna: sa fregula
  2. Fregula con le arselle
  3. Fregula cun cocciula
  4. Oretta Zanini De Vita (transl .: Maureen B. Fant): Encyclopedia of Pasta (original title: Pasta, atlante dei prodotti tipici ). Pp. 117-118. 2009. University of California Press.
  5. John Ayto: The Diner's Dictionary - Word Origins of Food & Drink . P. 141. 2nd edition, 1993. Oxford University Press.