Friends of Judea and Samaria

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The “Friends of Judea and Samarias” group is a free association of members of the European Parliament who support Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. It was founded on March 28, 2017 by the member of the European Parliament Petr Mach and Jossi Dagan, the chairman of the Samarian regional administration . The group consists of 15 of the 751 members of the European Parliament. The group chairman is MEP Petr Mach from the Czech Republic.

One of the tasks that the group has set itself is to "protect the humanitarian rights of the Israeli settlers in the West Bank". Another task of the group is to fight the alleged discrimination against these settlers. It is discriminatory that tariffs are levied on products from the Israeli settlements from the West Bank , while products from the other settlements from the West Bank can be imported into the EU tax-free. The EU's free trade agreement should apply not only to the Palestinian settlements, but also to the Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The group’s tasks should also include combating terrorism. The unchecked transfer of EU funds to the Palestinian Authority should be ended, because attacks could be financed with the help of EU funds. That is why Ajala Schapira, who was victim of an arson attack (אילה שפירא), spoke at the opening ceremony.

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