Fulcran from Lodève

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Healing of the sick by Bishop Fulcran (19th century stained glass window), Lodève Cathedral

Fulcran of Lodève (French: Saint Fulcran ; * around 926; † 13 February 1006 ) was bishop of Lodève in Occitania (historical region) Occitania in the second half of the 10th and early 11th centuries . His feast day is February 13th.


Despite several surviving biographies and his will, there are hardly any reliable data on Fulcran's life. According to tradition, he came from a wealthy, probably even aristocratic family. He was ordained a priest at a young age ; in 949 he became Bishop of Lodève and rebuilt the local cathedral in the 970s. Several other monasteries and churches in his diocese were also restored by him. In 990 he took part in the Council of Le Puy. About 10 years later he led the first survey of the remains of Wilhelm of Aquitaine († 812) in the monastery of Gellone, today's Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert . He was in the cryptburied in the Cathedral of Lodève . His undisturbed body was raised in 1127, but burned by the Protestants during the Huguenot Wars in the second half of the 16th century ; only a few relic remains have been preserved.


Apart from the former cathedral and today's church of St. Fulcran in Lodève, no other churches or chapels are dedicated to the saint.


Medieval representations of the saint are unknown; since the 19th century he has been shown, even if only sporadically, in the bishop's robe with staff and miter .

See also


  • Bernard Gui : Vie de Saint Fulcran. Translated and annotated by Abbé J. Rouquette, Montpellier, Valat 1911.
  • Gérard Alzieu: Une nouvelle vie de saint Fulcran de Lodève. In: Études sur l'Hérault , 1988, pp. 53-60.
  • Henri Vidal: Un évêque de l'an mil. Saint Fulcran, évêque de Lodève. Montpellier 2001, ISBN 978-2902828135

Web links

Commons : Fulcran of Lodève  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Thierry Bishop of Lodève