Proofing basket

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Gärkörbchen from rattan
Two loaves of bread ready to be baked
Bread tipped on the baking sheet

Proofing baskets , also known as baking baskets, colloquially known as bread molds, or called Simperln in the Austrian-speaking world, serve as fermentation material carriers for the piece cooking of bread dough . They consist of plaited straw, nailed rattan cane , wood pulp or plastic . They are widely used in trade and industry in different sizes, round or oval.

Proofing baskets enable soft and loose doughs to be handled, work faster and ensure more even bread shapes. The bread is supported while it is cooking, which prevents it from spreading. Technically, baskets are used so that the bread can rise in them, with the sides being kept stable. The bread shapes create the typical basket pattern on the bread. For this purpose, the molds must first be sprinkled with flour or potato starch as a separating agent. This determines the crust and the character of the product.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ IREKS Arkady Institute for Bakery Science (ed.): IREKS ABC of the bakery. 4th edition. Institute for Bakery Science, Kulmbach 1985