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In Japan, a dome meeting is called a gōkon ( Japanese 合 コ ン ) or Kompa ( コ ン パ ) .

These meetings are organized by one male and one female person, each bringing the same number of male or female acquaintances who should not know the invitees of the opposite sex beforehand if possible. The meeting usually takes place in a Japanese pub . Couples should find each other during the course of the evening through casual entertainment and lewd games. For the couples, the evening ends with the exchange of telephone numbers, a stop in the karaoke box or in a love hotel .

Word origin

The word Gōkon is an abbreviation of gōdō kompa ( 合同 コ ン パ ), which can roughly be translated as dome meeting . Kompa is again the abbreviation of kompanī ( コ ン パ ニ ー ), a loan word formed from the English word company . The word "Kompa" also includes parties and meetings that do not primarily serve as a pomp , such as welcoming new employees or seminar members to the shinkan kompa ( 新 歓 コ ン パ ). Recently, however, Gōkon have also been advertised bluntly as Yarikon ( や り コ ン ) ( Sex-Kompa ) in Japanese student magazines and city magazines.


Both organizers invite their guests to a pub, who often reserve and prepare tables for this purpose alone. Then the guests are placed in such a way that a man and a woman are always seated next to each other. Ideally, next to a man there are two women on each side and two men on each woman's side. A popular game at Kompa is the lighter game . In this game, each participant tries to light a lighter that goes in turns. If he doesn't succeed, the respective player has to empty a glass of sake or something similar. This game is arbitrarily variable. It can also be played by placing a coin in turns on the ball of the hand and hitting a glass under the tabletop with the inside of the hand. If one of the players hits a glass but the next does not, the second player has to drink. This ensures that all guests have the highest possible alcohol level and lose their inhibitions. If the alcohol level is reasonably high, another very popular game is the king's game . One participant is appointed king and may give orders to the other players. Each of these commands must be executed. All players are also given consecutive numbers. This simplifies the game. Commands can be, for example: "Number 2 drinks the glass from number 3 to Ex " or (in a sexual context) "Number 4 goes to the toilet with number 5 and has 'free time' there for three minutes." So (an order is an order!) for three minutes either in front of the door or in the toilet and depending on your courage, drunkenness and openness you can already realize some of your planned projects there. Once a small sexual stimulus has been created and the first couples have already found each other, the game continues: For example, one couple starts with holding hands , what the next couple does (for example with a kiss on the hand, a kiss on the mouth and finally with one French kiss) must be increased. If two players do not want to perform an action at all, there is the possibility of changing the seating arrangement.

Such events usually end in the middle of the night. Usually there is no guest who goes home alone. Since such a case would mean a loss of face , some guests sometimes just pretend that they are looking for a love hotel after the event and then go their separate ways again. Kompa is almost never used to build emotional relationships, but rather as a date for one night stands .


  • Christoph Neumann: This is why the Japanese get annoyed - The unvarnished madness of everyday Japanese life , Piper Verlag travel library, Munich / Zurich 2008, ISBN 978-3492245081 .

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